
Woof is the version manager to end all version managers.


Akin to asdf and sdkman, Woof is a multi-tool version manager. That is, it manages the installation of multiple versions for multiple tools simultaneously

Woof supports many popular languages out of the box - see the Roadmap for more details


Woof works so effectively because it is simple. To see implementation details of Woof, see this page

There are two main concepts:


Modules are analogous to asdf or sdkman's plugins. They represent all the version possibilities of a particular tool. Examples of tools that may have a module include NodeJS, Python, and Please. Variants are also supported - for example, Python may have at least cpython, Nuitka, and MicroPython variants.

To add support for a new language, tool, or program, write a module. Each module is implemented in a single Bash file. Functionalities of a particular module is a simple Bash function. See the Module API for more details.


Filters normalize release information for a particular module. For example, it may convert a JSON response from GitHub's Release API or a custom release file to a text format that is easier to parse in Bash.

Each module must have a filter. Filters are written in either Bash, jq, or Perl. See the Filter API for more details)